Gum infection can be harmful and can lead to damage as well as inflammation of the mouth as well as jaw. You can call or mail us for gum disease treatment in Pitampura. Our dental specialist at Clinic Viva will treat you.
The cause of gum infection is poor hygiene permitting bacteria to get stuck between the gums and teeth. Such places become their breeding ground. You can consult our dental specialist to prevent complications shortly.
If you do not practise oral hygiene like brushing or flossing regularly, the bacteria will generate a film on the surface of the teeth. This is called plaque. If you do not clean the plaque, it will transform into tartar which becomes quite hard to eradicate. With the formation of tartar, the invasion rate of the bacteria becomes higher. We offer you the bleeding gum treatment in Pitampura at Clinic Viva.
Other risk factors for gum diseases or bleeding gums are oral devices like dentures and bridges with improper fittings as well as defective dental fillings.
Some of the symptoms include gingivitis also called the inflammation of the gums but this could lead to periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum ailment.
When you have gum disease, you will have signs, and some of these are:
When the infection increases, it will lead to the formation of pus pockets. This condition is called an abscess. This condition needs prompt treatment and we at Clinic Viva will treat you fully.
If the infection remains untreated, the complications may increase. The infected tissue will put the adjacent tooth root at risk. This can lead to complete tooth loss.
The infection of the gum tissue will transmit to the surrounding bone or the jaw. This will cause tissue damage. If the bacteria transmits in the bloodstream, the entire body can face trouble.
We do gum disease treatment in Pitampura if there is plaque accumulation. If the plaque transforms into tartar, our dental specialist will eradicate it from your teeth. With the breakage of the hard tartar, the inflammation and gum damage is in control.
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