At Clinic Viva, our dental specialists are apt to remove your wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth lie at the back of your mouth and are in the category of third molars.
Wisdom tooth removal in Pitampura happens after the diagnosis of the complicacy level of the condition. Wisdom teeth sprout out in the late twenties but some teeth get stuck or make a partial eruption. This will lead to an impact on the adjoining bone or the nearby teeth. This will create a flap of gum above the teeth. Another eruption is an eruption beyond the desired range.
Removal Causes
At Clinic Viva, you become the candidate for wisdom tooth removal under the following conditions:
Acute and repetitive gum infection
Decomposition of the tooth also called tooth decay
Extensive growth in length leading to gum or cheek injury
Requirement of surgery to shift jaw backward or forward
Wisdom tooth position creates an obstacle in the cleaning process
Space creation by the orthodontist for shifting other teeth backward
Cysts close or around the tooth
Tooth located in the jaw fracture line
We also provide alternatives to wisdom tooth removal in Pitampura after analyzing the appointment. Some alternatives are:
Simple painkillers
Eradication of the gum above the tooth
If the tooth root is close to the nerve that transfers sensation to the lower lip, the specialist can only remove the tooth crown
Delay or not opting for the procedure
If you delay despite the complexity of the problem related to the wisdom tooth, the situation can take a worse turn and you may get a higher degree of infection that could be dangerous for life.
At Clinic Viva, our expert dental specialist will perform painless procedures with certain easy steps.
Local anesthetic for removal of upper wisdom teeth
A lower wisdom tooth is tougher to extract
Gum cutting for unearthing the tooth
Bone removal
Tooth division by drilling
Post-treatment complications
The success rate for wisdom tooth removal in
Pitampura is high but we make you aware of post-treatment side impacts that may occur.
Swelling and bruising
Allergic reaction
Dry socket
Retained root
Adjacent tooth damage
Sinus issues
Fractured jaw
Trismus as well as the stiff condition of the jaw
Nerve damage
Recovery time
After treatment for WTR at our clinic, you can be back to work within one week.
Fix the appointment
To fix the appointment, you can call or mail us. We are here to set you free.
Visit Clinic Viva for wisdom tooth removal in Pitampura. Dr Vikas, along with his team, will make sure you are safe throughout the entire procedure. At Clinic Viva, we prioritise our patient’s comfort and deliver quality care.